After a long journey, The Ice-Bound Concordance and Compendium release today, for iPad and Windows!

Launch Details
Help us spread the word: share our official announcement tweet and Facebook post, share our awesome new trailer and website tell your friends who might think something like this is cool, post in your favorite game/book/weird experiences forum. We’ve got some cool screenshots you’re welcome to use, and even a press kit if you’re into that sort of thing.
There’s a slight snag with our Amazon listing where new international book orders aren’t being processed (this shouldn’t affect pre-existing international backer orders). So if you’re outside the US or lots of your social network is, you might want to wait a few days before going on a link-share binge.
Reward Details
We exported shipping addresses to Amazon last night, and they’ll pack and ship orders from the standard Explorer level today, so you should see them within the next couple of days (slightly longer for orders outside the USA).
For Distinguished Explorer backers with a signed copy, the books are still en-route to us; but we’ve got all the packing materials and postage ready to go, so as soon as they get here we’ll have a frantic signing party and get them out the door to you ASAP. Pics when it happens!
The only remaining Kickstarter reward to be fulfilled are the posters: these should go out this weekend, so you should get them sometime next week.
If you have any questions about your reward, please let us know at [email protected].
That’s all for now. This does not quite seem real to us yet, so we’ll keep promoting the game and getting rewards shipped and all the other things, but soon, we might be, uh, done? Wild.
Thanks for being part of our amazing journey. 🙂
–Aaron and Jacob