The IndieCade festival starts a week from today, and we’re getting really excited!

The line-up this year includes a fantastic mix of games of all styles, genres, and budgets: everything from Double Fine’s rule-bending RPG Hack n’ Slash, to the live-action/digital hybrid starship bridge crew simulator Artemis (yes, we have played this in our living room), to our friend John Mawhorter’s trio of games set in nature, Play the Environment. We’re incredibly honored to be part of the line-up this year, and can’t wait to see old friends and make new ones down in Culver City.
We’ll be demoing the first few chapters of Ice-Bound from our perch in Firestation One, showing off our combinatorial narrative system as well as giving visitors a chance to see the printed Compendium in person and try out the the augmented reality interaction for themselves. If you’ll be attending the festival and want to check us out, the Firestation will be open from 4-7pm on Friday October 10th, and from 10-6 on Saturday and Sunday. (Check the IndieCade site for tickets and the latest info.)

This year we’re joining carpool forces with our friend Deirdra “Squinky” Kiai, whose interactive play “Coffee: A Misunderstanding” is also a finalist. We’ve therefore decided to call ourselves Team Iced Coffee, a name which will no doubt prove prophetic during our long, post-festival drive home.
Finally, we have some pretty big Ice-Bound news coming early next week! We can’t spill the beans just yet, but you can sign up to be notified about major updates on our website, or follow our blog, Facebook, or Twitter page to stay in the loop. More, very soon!